JSanitizer NuGet Library

Joever Monceda
2 min readOct 15, 2020

Configurable sanitizer for XML and JSON string value through extension method.

NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/JSanitizer/


1. Default sanitizer to replace password value
2. Sanitize with options


  1. .NET Core 3.1
  2. Visual Studio or VS Code

How to use:

  1. Go to Tools and select Manage Nuget Packages and Search for JSanitizer library.
  2. OR Install-Package JSanitizer -Version 3.0.1


  1. {json string value}.SanitizeJsonValue(configPath)
  2. {xml string value}.SanitizeXmlValue(configPath)
  3. {xml string value}.SanitizeJsonValue(options)
  4. {json string value}.SanitizeXmlValue(options)

How to create your custom JSON configurations.
* Create folder with name **JSOptions** under your project then create json file with name **SanitizerOptions.json** under the said folder as your default configuration and follow the object format below.

JSanitizer Configuration schema

note: It will throw an exception if you use the default json or xml extension methods without providing default json configurations.

remarks: You can add more properties under Sensitivity for value masking.

Code implementations:

  1. Sanitize without options
JSanitizer with JSON Configuration.

2. Sanitize with options

JSanitizer with class configuration.

Note: If you encounter error, please follow screenshot below:

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