JKValidator NuGet Library
JKValidator is a simple C# properties validator library.
Behind JKValidator:
JK stands for JOEVER and KEVIN. Kevin initially started the code implementation on 2018, together with Joever.
The inspiration of this validator is to eradicate the old school way of validating the property
and to create standard property validator for Microsoft.
We want to help developers who wants to change or improve their way of validating the properties, so we decide to publish this library on nuget.
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/JKValidator/
JKValidator supported both dependecy injection and static method way of implementations.
Available Property Validators:
1. Boolean
2. DateTime
3. Double
4. Int
5. Object
6. String
7. TimeSpan
1. NET Core 3.1
2. Visual Studio or VS Code
How to download:
Go to Tools and select Manage Nuget Packages and Search for JKValidator library.
OR Install-Package JKValidator -Version 1.0.0

For Depency Injection:
1. Add IValidators on IServiceCollection in Startup.cs

2. Add Validators to your controller or any non-static services.

For Static class:
1. Just simply instantiate the Validators inside your method.

Validator methods:
- .IsString(model.FirstName, “firstName”, true)
- .IsString(model.FirstName, “firstName”, true).Min(3).Max(10)
- .IsString(model.LastName, “@Test123”, true).IsAlphaNumericSymbol()
- .IsString(model.LastName, “jk@gmail.com”, true).IsEmail();
- .IsNumber(model.One, “one”, true)
- .IsBool(model.IsTrue, “isTrue”, true)
- .IsDateTime(model.DateTime, “dateTime”, true)
- .IsObject(model.Object, “object”, true)

JK in Thailand (2018):

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